heightec’s Global Wind Organisation (GWO) approved training courses – click the links below to book online:
TWG000 GWO Basic Safety Training (BST) Package
Combines all five GWO Basic Safety Training (BST) Standard courses over 5 consecutive days: Sea Survival, Working at Height with Manual Handling, Fire Awareness & First Aid. For new starters in the wind industry. (5 days)
TWG000R GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher (BSTR) Package
Refreshes and builds on skills from GWO Basic Training Standard courses. Must have valid GWO certificates in Working at Height with Manual Handling, Sea Survival, Fire Awareness and First Aid. (3.5 days)
TWG001 GWO First Aid (FA)
Enables participants to recognise the signs and symptoms of life threatening situations and administer safe and effective first aid to save lives and prevent further injury until the casualty can be handed over to the next level of care. (2 days)
TWG001R GWO First Aid Refresher (FAR)
Builds on knowledge and skills gained from the initial GWO First Aid course. Enables participants to continue to administer safe and effective first aid, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED). (1 day)
TWG002 GWO Manual Handling (MH)
Encourages positive manual handling and ergonomic behaviour, encourages participants to consider alternatives to manual handling through planning and to train participants’ ability to perform manual handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind industry. (0.5 day)
TWG003 GWO Fire Awareness (FAW)
Trains participants to prevent fires, make appropriate judgements when evaluating a fire, manage evacuation of personnel, or if the incident is judged to be safe, efficiently extinguish a fire using basic hand held firefighting equipment. (0.5 day)
TWG004 GWO Working at Height (WAH)
Enables participants to use basic personal protective equipment (PPE), work safely at height and perform comprehensive basic rescue from height in a remote wind turbine environment. (2 days)
TWG004R GWO Working at Heights Refresher (WAHR)
Reviews and builds on knowledge and skills from the initial GWO Working at Height course. Includes using basic personal protective equipment (PPE), working safely at height and performing comprehensive basic rescue from height. (1 day)
TWG005 GWO Working at Heights with Manual Handling (MH & WAH)
Teaches participants to use basic personal protective equipment and perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights. Furthermore, perform manual handling tasks in a safe manner. (2 days)
TWG005R GWO Working at Heights with Manual Handling Refresher (MHR & WAHR)
Reviews and builds on previously gained knowledge and skills. Refreshes certificates for both GWO Working at Heights and GWO Manual Handling. (1 days)
TWG006 GWO Sea Survival (SS)
Gives participants to ability to act safely and responsibly and to take the correct preventative actions in all aspects of offshore operations from shore to installation vessel or WTG and vice versa, both in a normal operation and in an emergency. (1 day)
TWG007 Slinger Signaller (SLS)
Enables participants to work within the wind industry conducting slinging techniques and signalling during simple lifting operations, meaning lifts conducted based on a lifting plan or covering known hazards. (2 days)
TWG010 GWO Enhanced First Aid (EFA)
Provides participants with the knowledge and skills to administer safe, effective and immediate lifesaving and enhanced first aid measures to save lives and give assistance in remote areas using advanced emergency equipment and medical teleconsultation. (3 days)
TWG010R GWO Enhanced First Aid Refresher (EFAR)
Practical and theoretical training course to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills from the GWO BST First Aid and refresher or to refresh current GWO Enhanced First Aid skills. (2 days)
TWG011 GWO Advanced Rescue Training (ART)
Combines all four modules from the GWO Advanced Rescue Training standard (3 days):
1. Hub, Spinner and Inside Blade Rescue (HSIBR)
2. Nacelle, Tower and Basement Rescue (NTBR)
3. Single Rescuer: Hub, Spinner and Inside Blade Rescue (SR:HSIBR)
4. Single Rescuer: Nacelle, Tower and Basement Rescue (SR:NTBR)
TWG011R GWO Advanced Rescue Training Refresher (ARTR)
Refresher course to review and build on previously learned knowledge and skills from the Advanced Rescue Training (ART) Nacelle, Tower and Basement training. Also refreshes GWO Working at Heights and GWO Manual Handling certificates. (3 days)
TWH020 GWO Onshore Basic Safety Training Package
Combines four courses from GWO’s Basic Safety Training (BST) standard: Working at Heights, First Aid, Fire Awareness and Manual Handling. For new starters in the wind industry. (5 days)
TWG020R GWO Onshore Basic Safety Training Refresher Package
Refreshes skills learned in the GWO Basic Training Standard onshore courses. Must have valid GWO certificates in Working at Height, Fire Awareness, Manual Handling and First Aid. (3 days)
View all heightec’s GWO approved training